Tag: health & safety management software

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How to Make the Work Place Adopt for Employees with Epilepsy?

admin in Occupational Health Software
17/11/2021 · 4 min read

What is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is a condition in which a person has a tendency to suffer epileptic seizures.

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How Does Diabetes Affect Our Productivity At Work?

admin in Occupational Health Software
15/11/2021 · 4 min read

What is Diabetes? Diabetes is a medical disorder in which people’s bodies can’t create enough insulin or can’t properly use the insulin which they produce.

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How To Encourage Employees To Speak About Mental Health?

admin in Occupational Health Software
27/10/2021 · 4 min read

Employees usually assume that their mental health problems will be treated differently than their physical health problems.

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Forming Safety Habits That Stay For The Longest Time

admin in Occupational Health Software
28/09/2021 · 4 min read

Safety habits are performed by employees many times that it becomes a natural part of every day. Let’s see the safety habits that are very useful in our daily routine when present in the workplace.

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